Residential Building & Design

Legacy Homes are unique and livable designs. Designed in a multitude of styles and sizes ready to customize to your exact specifications.

Residential Building & Design

Legacy Homes are unique and livable designs.
Designed in a multitude of styles and sizes ready to
customize to your exact specifications.

Design & Build Services

Establish the scale, timeframe, and general design issues of the project.

Property Guidance

Determining the prevailing trend in property values.

We work closely with our clients, and hand-pick our Project Team of Architects, Engineers, Designers and Subcontractors based on our clients’ needs and vision. Once we have our Project Team in place we provide outstanding communication & project management, overseeing the project from start to finish.

Our reputation has made us the builder of choice in New Hampshire!


Discuss and establish the scale, timeframe, and major milestones of the project.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Pricing and Specifications

New construction or additions require thoughtful planning.

Site Work

Engineering the best solution to maximize the lot aesthetic and function

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Design and Build Services

A drafted set of plans is an important part of the design process.
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Guided Workflow.

Steps to achieve quality results in the decision making process.

Lot and Land Evaluation.

Selecting a suitable building lot involves more than just buying you're choosing land that will bring joy and value.

Site Work.

Engineering the best solution to maximize the lot aesthetic and function

Best Practices.

Time management and budget analysis are key concepts when managing a project of any scale.


The quality of design and work is shown in the hand detailing and tooling.